For our first Spittin In Da Wip episode for 2018 we got Sympl Emcee to showcase his lyrical skills. In the back seat Sympl got his dude Sani_ty to represent and pass some items when he started to freestyle.
Make sure you rate Sympl’s performance via the ratings sliders in the comment section below. You can rate his content, delivery, lyrical skill, Freestyle, and stamina.

Had to give this one a rating!
This was a fun one! It was also the last episode I did….7 years ago Dayum!! We’re coming back soon though!
Gotta give him props for freestyling off top!
Yeah I wanna hear how his writtens are. The free was ehh but I agree, gotta give props for holding the free down.
That was me before I joined the site lol!!
That was a emcee workout Dude did his thing.
Dude held it down. Yo when are some new episodes coming?
Coming soon! Thanks for rating and Happy New Year!
Ok cool Thanks!